Friday, March 7, 2014

Les Chapeaux

I stumbled across this Harper's Bazaar article today on the question of why Americans don't wear hats. Now before you start snoozing or click to another blog, hear me out. Why don't we wear hats? In the days of Don Draper and the rest of the Mad Men, a well-to-do man was always seen out with a hat, and so was his wife. So what happened? Across the pond, le chapeau has been brought back in a big way, especially during Fashion Month.

If you've taken a look at my blog, you know that I love hats. I am a big lover of all things vintage, and my hat collection is a mix of fun, feathered things that I can only wear to themed parties and modern styles that I still feel a little uncomfortable wearing. Why? Granted, a college campus isn't often the place to test out your trendiest new pieces, but this is New York! I want to be able to wear that floppy 70's hat to my French Literature class and feel confident!

I wanted to add this little feathered number to my vintage hat collection, but it's already full of old hats that never get worn! 

I scored this maroon hat from a consignment store for like $14- I also have a black one from Target!

I personally would like to see a return to the days when hats were socially acceptable without getting stares or being asked, "Why are you wearing your hat inside?" While baseball hats are certainly popular among the preppy crowd, I want to see more! Also, hats are a fantastic excuse when you are having a less-than-stellar hair day, something I know we all have to deal with.

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